The Long Island Miniatures Collectors Society
It's generally agreed that the Long Island club started around 1980 when Kevin Dunne put out a makeshift flyer at the New Jersey Model Figure show to see if there was any interest in starting a club on Long Island. A few Long Island modelers, the likes of Jack Muldoon, Rick Girardin, Scott Miller and Greg DiFranco responded, and a first meeting was held at the Northport Library. The first order of business was naming the club, one creative member thought that the Society of Long Island Miniature Enthusiasts would be a great name until we decided that the initials of SLIME was probably not the best idea!!! We finally settled on the Long Island Military Miniature Society and for many years were referred to as LIMMS. We actually have a copy of our first flyer which was published in 1982. Eventually, the club changed its name to the Long Island Miniature Collector’s Society. This change was made to recognize the various subjects that are modeled in miniature form, from Science Fiction to Fantasy, to civilian subjects, vehicles, ships, and dioramas, to name a few, and that are welcome as members and at the show.
Our first few shows and our meetings were held at the Cradle of Aviation Museum. The show had figures intermixed among all of the aircraft displays which made for quite an interesting venue. In order to get funding for the show, Kevin and Greg decided they would fork up $200 each and that’s how the show began. Kevin Dunne was elected as the first President and still remains very active in running the club. Who would have thought then that the club would continue on for 43 years! Back then club members included the likes of Philip Stearns and Bill Merklein, Vinnie Ciro, Jack and George Kennedy as well as the aforementioned “Old Guard”. We even organized a meeting where Shep Paine attended! Greg said meeting Shep Paine for us modelers was like meeting the Beatles. One club member, Bill McTiernan, was an editor at Newsday and the club was featured in a full color 3 page article in the Parade section.
Eventually, the club moved its meeting venue to the Wantagh Public Library and the show to the Electrician’s Union Hall in Huntington. John Jefferies joined the club sometime around 1984. Over the years the club has had various Presidents and Contributors that have made the club flourish. After Kevin decided to hand over the reins to others, Jack Muldoon, Greg DiFranco, and John Jefferies had various stints as President. (any others?)
Sometime around the mid-1990s the club moved its meetings and show to the Freeport Recreation Center which has provided a great venue for both ever since. After the show, the club hosts a dinner on Saturday night on the Nautical Mile and all who attend the show are welcome to join for a very reasonable price, and fun is had by all.
The club has been blessed to have many supporters and contributors over the years. For many years Bill Swenson created the club newsletter, then Val Kraut,
and presently we are lucky to have Peter Ford at the helm of our newsletter.
Kevin Dun
Greg DiFranco